While many people think a strong core is all about that visible six-pack, there’s actually a lot more going on. Not only does your core support your posture and protect your back, it also provides overall strength and stability throughout your body.

We’ll explore five yoga poses for core strength.

Boat Pose – An ab and deep hip flexor strengthener, Paripurna Navasana requires you to balance on the tripod of your sitting bones and tailbone.

Plank Pose and Its variation – Plank pose and its variations are strongly recommended to help build stamina and core body strength.

Dolphin Pose – It strengthens, and stretches the shoulders, upper back and legs. It’s also a pretty awesome core strengthener.

Cat-Cow – A gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine. It stretches the back torso and neck, and softly stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs.

#Corestrength #Yogasequence #absworkout

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